Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sweet Smegs

My dream kitchen has a 50's style fridge in it, like the above image from Country Living.
Fridges from the Smeg UK online catalogue. There is a US website too, but not as many colours are available.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Summer, somewhere

It's the middle of summer down under, and there's nothing I'd like more than an Aussie barbeque with all-dressed burgers and watermelon raspberry vodka cups (pictured left, image from Gourmet Traveller). 

The first time I had an ozzie burger  -- in Newcastle, New South Wales -- I was a little shocked by the idea of a fried egg, pineapple slices, canned beets, cheese, fried tomato, bacon, lettuce, AND condiments all on top of  a beef patty on a hamburger bun. But is it ever delicious. I could go for one right about now, along with a nice dose of warm weather.

I like the idea of making fresh watermelon juice by blending chunks of the melon and then passing it through a sieve. Can't wait to try it in our summer... let's say, oh, six months from now?